
Republican Rome (6th to 1st century BC)

Roman Gens and naming conventions - Dioklecijanova Legija

We can divide the history of Rome in different stages. As you can see in page 234 they had a monarchy, a republic, an a empire.

The Roman Empire. The Roman Empire Timeline of Ancient Rome Rome ...

Today we are going to study the republic. Read pages 238 ans 239 and answer the questions.

  1. Who was the last king of Rome?
  2. Define aristocratic families
  3. Which are the differences between patricians and plebeians?
  4. The plebeians fought for the same rights as patricians. What did they get?
  5. When did the plebeians become Roman citizens?
  6. What were the three institutions that had power in Rome?
  7. Look for new words that you didn’t know and look for definitions.
  8. Send the answers on Monday.
Roman Senate - Ancient History Encyclopedia
The Senate of Rome

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