

Date: 19 march 2020


Resultado de imagen de megaliths old photos

Today we are going to study the megaliths. Megaliths are monuments made out of very big stones. You will have to read the lesson and the you will make the activities. We will try today to do a kind of art class.

When you finish send me an e-mail with photos of everything or a archive if you do it in the computer.

Deadline: Monday 23st march.


  1. Make illustrations of the 3 types of megaliths. This is an example
Resultado de imagen de dibujo arquitectura megalitica
dibujo de muestra :

2. Complete the table:

MegalithMenhirDolmenStone circle
Description of the structure   
A famous one (search in internet)   

3. Why did our ancestors build megaliths?
4. What do megaliths tell us about prehistoric societies?
5. Do you know Stonehenge? Here you have a video:

Watch the video and write 4 questions about the video and them answer them

  • Probably you want to know how they could built this structures….

6. Here you have designs of famous  menhirs. Design your own. Be creative.

statue menhir is a type of carved standing stone created during the later European Neolithic. The statues consist of a vertical slab or pillar with a stylised design of a human figure cut into it, sometimes with hints of clothing or weapons visible.” (Wikipedia)

Resultado de imagen de statue menhirs
Resultado de imagen de statue menhirs with drawings
Resultado de imagen de statue menhirs with drawings

The Metal Ages

First you will have to read the lesson in the book (pages 164 and 165). Later you will do the activities.

  1. When did metal working begin?
  2. What were the advantages of iron?
  3. How did the use of metals change Neolithic society?
  4. Who defended the land?
  5. Activity 1 page 165. You will have to make a table in your notebook and complete it.
  6. Make a timeline with of the Metal Ages.
  7. Watch the video.

Here you have an example of a timeline. Remember your timeline is about The Metal Ages. Use drawings to make it funnier.

Resultado de imagen de eje cronológico a mano
Resultado de imagen de metal ages
working the metal
Mesopotamia III millenium before Christ
Necklace from Ireland

Hello everybody!

This blog will be our virtual class during the quarantine. I hope you enjoy the activities. You will have to send them to my mail in PDF or photos. It will be a great experience. Take care of yourself and your family.